Northern Gannet
Gannets are seabirds comprising the genus Morus in the family Sulidae, closely related to boobies. Gannets are large white birds with yellowish heads, black-tipped wings and long bills. Northern gannets are the largest seabirds in the North Atlantic, having a wingspan of up to two metres



Northern Gannet

Northern Gannet

Northern Gannets with Junveniles

Northern Gannet
Fulmars and Gulls
Almost gull-like, this grey and white seabird is related to the albatrosses. The Fulmar flies low over the sea on stiff wings, with shallow wingbeats, gliding and turning to show its white underparts then grey upperparts. At its breeding sites, it will fly high up the cliff face, riding the updraughts. They will feed in flocks out at sea. They defend their nests from intruders by spitting out a foul-smelling oil.

Herring Gull

Herring Gull

Northern Fulmar

Northern Fulmar
Razorbill & Guilemot






Yellow Legged Gull

Yellow Legged Gull