January 2024
Welcome to my first blog.                                                                                                                            
This is a short history of how I got involved in Nature & Wildlife Photography. I am originally from South Africa and now resident in the UK.
In 2015 my wife and I decided that we would visit Namibia for our anniversary, and I was excited with the prospect of being able to photography some of the most amazing landscapes, animals, places that Africa has to offer.
Namibia is one of those places that needs to be on your bucket list! Its very hot, vast, beautiful and incredible. Only 3 million inhabitants live in Namibia and covers 824,292 km2  that’s 3,6 people per km2.
Only challenge was that I just had a Nikon 70-300mm lens for my trusty Nikon D300 and this was not going to work well for the 12 day road trip we had planned. So, I decided to hire a long lens from my local camera store (Tamron 150-600mm) as it was the most reasonable option. Then, a photographic customer of mine, approached me wanting to sell his Nikon D3s and I jumped at the opportunity and the next thing I had a great camera and lens for the trip. As a novice using a long lens, it looks much easier to use than you think. I really enjoyed getting to understand the lens and camera on this incredible trip.
Here are a handle full of images from the trip.
Kori Bustard
Kori Bustard
Juvenille Gabar Goshawk
Juvenille Gabar Goshawk
Adult Dark Chanting Goshawk
Adult Dark Chanting Goshawk
Tawny Eagle
Tawny Eagle
Adult Martial Eagle
Adult Martial Eagle
Adult Martial Eagle
Adult Martial Eagle
Adult Cheetah
Adult Cheetah
Adult and juvenille cheetah looking for breakfast
Adult and juvenille cheetah looking for breakfast
Adult and a juvenille preparing for a kill
Adult and a juvenille preparing for a kill
The kill by the coalition of Cheetah
The kill by the coalition of Cheetah
Cheetah with the Springbok meal
Cheetah with the Springbok meal
Juvenille Ground Squirrel
Juvenille Ground Squirrel
Ground Squirrel
Ground Squirrel
Male spingbok sparring
Male spingbok sparring
Male spingbok sparring
Male spingbok sparring
Male Springbok
Male Springbok
Springbok Harem
Springbok Harem
Feral Desert Horse
Feral Desert Horse
Feral Desert Horses
Feral Desert Horses
Juvenille Desert Zebra
Juvenille Desert Zebra
Desert Zebra
Desert Zebra
Vast nothingness
Vast nothingness
Qwiver Trees
Qwiver Trees
Track to nowhere
Track to nowhere
Fish River Canyon
Fish River Canyon

The camera store had a great offer on, that if I bought a Tamron 150-600 lens from them in 30 days, I could claim back the rental fee against the purchase and so my journey with long lenses began. My photography has evolved over the years and that all came from talking to an old acquaintance Jay, one day, about the new lens and camera setup I had and that I wanted to learn more about photography. 
Jay Van Rensburg is an award-winning photographer and runs several photographic businesses including the Wildlife Photographic College. I clearly remember our first bird outing together when we went out one very cold morning (-4°c) to a bird sanctuary to show me what bird photography offered. That morning changed the way I saw the world and was the start to my journey to capture and share wildlife images and my techniques with you. I have left a link to his Facebook & Instagram – Jay van Rensburg – Jaywildpix
I have travelled to many destinations across Africa with Jay over the years and what I have learnt is that it’s not about what equipment you have but rather about your passion and understanding for photography that matters. Get to know your equipment extremely well and learn to use what you have first.
Yes, for wildlife and bird photography the right equipment helps a lot, but as you get better at your craft and you evolve as a photographer, so you will upgrade your equipment. Remember a better camera or lens is not going to make you a better photographer! It’s the ability to capture an inspiring image that will make you a better photographer. The camera is just tool to help you become better at your kraft.
For me Nature and Wildlife photography has created many great friendships, like Jay, over the years and the key is that we all share our experiences and how we do things, with each other.  It’s great to be able to bounce a question off your friends and get a friendly answer back.
You will meet some of these photographers that have inspired me in future blogs.
Photography allows us to capture today's experiences and turn them into tomorrow's memories !
April 2024
Its already the start of spring.
How time flies! We are already seeing signs of the change of season as I have seen the Snow Drops out in bloom followed by the Wild Daffodils and now the Tulips and the carpets of Bluebells have started. Even though it’s been a very wet start to the year hopefully we will get a break in the weather and see some sunshine. The Cherry Blossoms and other flowering trees are out in bloom and look magnificent.
I have been busy with finding new locations to photograph and been travelling around the countryside. I am so fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of England as I am an hour from the Lake District, and hour from Yorkshire Dales, an hour a half from the Yorkshire Moors.
 The coastline is also very close by, and I am excited as the sea birds are starting to make their return to land to breed. Yes, the Puffins, Razorbills and other sea birds are all back.
I am excited about hosting two workshops in May to Cumbria for the Red Squirrels and then in June going to Bempton Cliffs for the Puffins and Razorbills.
I have had some great photographic opportunities in the past two months and with the Short-eared Owl, Buzzards, and Kestrels only a few miles from home has been wonderful. I have seen the Red Squirrels twice and visited the Lake District several times. Its good to hear that the Osprey are back and they are on my list of birds to photograph in the next few months.
We have gone through the lambing season with lots of lambs in the fields. It wonderful to wake up in the morning jump on my bike and within 200 yards I am greeted by lots lambs running in the fields. I stopped outside a farm gate where I met a farmer and asked if I could take some photographs of the day-old lambs. It was a great experience.
I have been on many walks around the area where I live, and I was pleasantly surprised that the Tolkien Trail is close by. It’s a small world as back in South Africa I stayed at a Boutique Hotel in Bloemfontein that was the birthplace of JRR Tolkien (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings) and then now I live next to the Tolkien Trail in England the area where the beautiful scenic landscape inspired Tolkien with his writing.
So, here’s to the start of Spring and longer days of daylight and many photograpic oppurtunities.
Photography allows us to capture today's experiences and turn them into tomorrow's memories !
Tolkien Trail
Tolkien Trail
Cromwell Bridge
Cromwell Bridge
Tolkien Trail
Tolkien Trail
Sand Martins
Sand Martins
Blue Bells
Blue Bells
Crab Apple
Crab Apple
Blea Tarn
Blea Tarn
Blea Tarn
Blea Tarn
Lake District
Lake District
Sparrow Hawk
Sparrow Hawk
Bull Finch
Bull Finch
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Wet Robin
Wet Robin
Spotted Woodpecker
Spotted Woodpecker
June 2024
It’s almost the end of June and summer is starting to make an appearance. It is wonderful to have the long evenings as we get more hours to photograph. We all experienced the amazing Northern lights earlier this month in many parts of the world and what a show we witnessed. Nature is truly amazing.
I have been out and about scouting for new areas for future workshops and also visited some of the RSPB’s not too far from me. St Aidan’s certainly is a worthwhile visiting with a large diverse mix of birds. I will go back to visit again and experience the birds in different seasons.
The Short-eared Owls have been very good this year and I have had many occasions to photograph these magnificent birds. They are so graceful in flight as they glide along but can change direction in a split second as they swoop in on their prey.
The Long eared Owls have also been out I was fortunate to capture some images of this beautiful owl.
The Osprey have been back at their nesting sites since late March and have eggs on the nest and it won’t be long before we see some chicks. They are such a powerful hunting bird and photograph well. I will hopefully have a workshop coming soon on Ospreys.
The Puffins are back at Skomer Island and at Bempton Cliffs and the Yorkshire coast. I am looking forward to hosting a Puffin workshop on the Yorkshire coast.
As I missed out on Skomer Island last year I wanted to ensure that I did not miss out again this year and so I am off there for 2 days to see the Puffins feeding on the sand-eels at the end of June along with other birds.
I am fortunate to have a woodland next door to where I live and have found that we have many birds and several animals there. The woodpecker is nesting and being kept busy by the chick who keeps on calling for more food. There are the usual woodland birds, wrens, robins, various thrushes, finches, magpies, blackbirds, blackcaps, and many others. The woodland is filled with the sounds of all the different songbirds and is amazing to listen to whilst out walking.
There have been signs that a badger has been in the woodland and speaking to some of the other residents I saw a fox early one morning whilst out walking. That’s great news and I will have to set up some trail cameras to see what I can find. I have seen the Roe deer several times and will hopefully get to photograph them.
The flowers don’t stop coming as we now have the buttercups and daisies popping up in lawns and on road verges. It’s wonderful to have seen a carpet of colour since February and this should continue until the end of summer.
I had the oppurtunity to visit Oulton Park to watch the Ferrari challenge and what a great track. Alos experienced Land Yachts for the first time at St Annes on the Lancashire coast.
Photography allows us to capture today's experiences and turn them into tomorrow's memories !
Black Grebe
Black Grebe
Juvenille Coots
Juvenille Coots
Black Grebe
Black Grebe
Juvenille Blue Tit
Juvenille Blue Tit
Juvenille Chafinch
Juvenille Chafinch
Great crested Grebe
Great crested Grebe
Great crested Grebe
Great crested Grebe
Black Headed Gull
Black Headed Gull
Black Headed Gull
Black Headed Gull
Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Jenny Wren
Jenny Wren
Juvenille Robin
Juvenille Robin
Spotted Woodpecker
Spotted Woodpecker
Spotted Woodpecker
Spotted Woodpecker
Tree Creeper
Tree Creeper
Tree Creeper
Tree Creeper
Tree Creeper
Tree Creeper
Long Eared Owl
Long Eared Owl
Long Eared Owl
Long Eared Owl
Long Eared Owl
Long Eared Owl
Long Eared Owl
Long Eared Owl
Lady Beetle
Lady Beetle
Lady Beetle
Lady Beetle
Lady Beetle
Lady Beetle
Male Broad Body Chaser
Male Broad Body Chaser
Female Broad Body Chaser
Female Broad Body Chaser
Long Red Damselfly
Long Red Damselfly
Long Red Damselfly
Long Red Damselfly
Azur Damslefly
Azur Damslefly
Azur Damslefly
Azur Damslefly
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
Hover Fly
Hover Fly
Hover Fly
Hover Fly
Blackberry Flower
Blackberry Flower
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Ferrari Challenge
Land Yachts
Land Yachts
Land Yachts
Land Yachts
Land Yachts
Land Yachts
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